Online Identity (wk 4) — Ci4312

2 min readFeb 11, 2021


According to authors Wängqvist & Frisén in “Who Am I Online? Understanding the Meaning of Online Contexts for Identity Development” (2016) Online context are important to recognize as they are different than everyday context. Especially for identity development in adolescents but what the authors don’t discuss is that it is equally important for adults. A big thing is that in an online context it allows people to try out and experiment different forms of identity in a safe space. While it is assumed that adults have their identity figured out; many are still do not know or have an identity they think others want. Allowing space for people of all ages to explore their identity is important and in an online context this is easier, as you can control what is posted and see reactions.

As discussed the internet more specifically social networks give an opportunity for learning about yourself (developing your identity), but there are greater opportunities for learning on social sites. Bozkurt & Tu did research about this in “Digital Identity Formation: Socially Being Real and Present on Digital Networks” (2016). One of the best things about the internet and social network is that it brings people from all over the world together. With this we can see the combination of like minded people coming together to share interests and information. It has never been more easy to get information and when we can share those ideas with one another from across the globe the possibilities for learning are insurmountable. That is of course making sure that people know how to use the internet responsibly.

Where do we begin to make sure people know how to use the internet responsibly? One thing is that we cannot make assumptions, it is assumed that kids and adults know how to use the internet and what is appropriate, people only know from what they see and what they are taught. Internet and social networking needs to be added into the education curriculum, it should also be involved at home, but school is a good starting place. Alec Couros in a TEDtalk discusses “Identity in a Digital World” (2015) talks about some ways to help teach this to youth. A big thing is to use ‘their language’ what is trending on the internet like memes. Couros recognizes that social networking is important to developing identity and for people to do this safely they need to be educated. They need to be aware that while exploring themselves online is good, what they put out there does not go away. Unfortunately, this is something many people are not aware of until it is too late. Like many other things in this world where there is positive there are negatives and we need to be aware of both sides to make an educated and safe decisions.

